Linear Adiabatic State Preparation¶
Linear Adiabatic State Preparation is a quantum method that prepares a target state by slowly transforming an initial Hamiltonian into a final Hamiltonian. By starting in the ground state of an initial Hamiltonian and evolving gradually, the system ideally stays in the ground state, ultimately reaching the ground state of the target Hamiltonian. This method leverages the adiabatic theorem, which states that a quantum system will remain in its instantaneous ground state if the Hamiltonian changes slowly enough.
In this example, the Hamiltonian $H(t)$ is a linear interpolation between two Hamiltonians:
- Initial Hamiltonian, $ H_z $: Encodes the starting state. Here, $ H_z = I \otimes Z + Z \otimes I $, which introduces interactions based on the $ Z $-basis of the qubits.
- Target Hamiltonian, $ H_{xx} $: Encodes the desired end state. Here, $ H_{xx} = X \otimes X $, which induces transitions that align the final state along the $ X $-axis.
The time-dependent Hamiltonian is given by:
$$ H(t) = -(1 - \text{linear}) \cdot H_z - \text{linear} \cdot H_{xx} $$
where $\text{linear} = 0.05 \cdot t$ provides a gradual increase over time. The AnalogGate
with Hamiltonian $ H(t) $ simulates this gradual evolution.
In this setup, we prepare a two-qubit system with AnalogCircuit
, evolving it first under the time-dependent Hamiltonian $ H(t) $ over 20 units of time, and then under $ H_{xx} $ for an additional 10 units. The final measure()
captures the state, which ideally approximates the ground state of $ H_{xx} $, aligning with the target configuration.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import itertools
import warnings
from oqd_core.interface.math import *
from oqd_core.interface.analog.operator import *
from oqd_core.interface.analog.operation import *
from oqd_core.backend.metric import *
from oqd_core.backend.task import Task, TaskArgsAnalog
from oqd_analog_emulator.qutip_backend import QutipBackend
X, Y, Z, I = PauliX(), PauliY(), PauliZ(), PauliI()
Hxx = X @ X
Hz = I @ Z + Z @ I
linear = MathStr(string="0.05*t")
H = -(1 - linear) * Hz + -linear * Hxx
gate = AnalogGate(hamiltonian=H)
Gxx = AnalogGate(hamiltonian=Hxx)
n = 2 # number of qubits
circuit = AnalogCircuit()
circuit.evolve(gate=gate, duration=20)
circuit.evolve(gate=Gxx, duration=10)
args = TaskArgsAnalog(
"Z": Expectation(operator=0.5 * (I @ Z + Z @ I)),
"XX": Expectation(operator=X @ X),
task = Task(program=circuit, args=args)
backend = QutipBackend()
results =;
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=[6, 3])
colors = sns.color_palette(palette="crest", n_colors=4)
for k, (name, metric) in enumerate(results.metrics.items()):
ax.plot(results.times, metric, label=f"$\\langle {name} \\rangle$", color=colors[k])
ax.set(xlabel="Time", ylabel="Expectation Value")
fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 1, sharex=True, figsize=[5, 9])
state = np.array([basis.real + 1j * basis.imag for basis in results.state])
bases = ["".join(bits) for bits in itertools.product("01", repeat=n)]
counts = {basis: results.counts.get(basis, 0) for basis in bases}
ax = axs[0], height=np.abs(state) ** 2, color=colors[0])
ax = axs[1], height=list(counts.values()), color=colors[1])
ax = axs[2], height=state.real, color=colors[2])
ax.set(ylabel="Amplitude (real)")
ax = axs[3], height=state.imag, color=colors[3])
ax.set(xlabel="Basis state", ylabel="Amplitude (imag)", ylim=[-np.pi, np.pi]);