Analog circuit for preparing a Bell stateĀ¶
Bell states are maximally entangled, two-qubit states that are ubiquitous in quantum information tasks. Here, we will create the analog quantum program to prepare the two-qubit Bell state, $$ | \psi \rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left( |00\rangle + |11\rangle \right) $$ First, we import the relevant libraries and OQD modules.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import itertools
import warnings
from oqd_core.interface.analog.operator import *
from oqd_core.interface.analog.operation import *
from oqd_core.backend.metric import *
from oqd_core.backend.task import Task, TaskArgsAnalog
from oqd_analog_emulator.qutip_backend import QutipBackend
Next, we define the one- and two qubit Rabi frequencies and the control Hamiltonians.
X = PauliX()
Y = PauliY()
Z = PauliZ()
I = PauliI()
n = 2 # number of qubits
# 1-qubit & 2-qubit Rabi frequencies
w1 = 2 * np.pi * 1
w2 = 2 * np.pi * 0.1
Hii = AnalogGate(hamiltonian=I @ I)
Hxi = AnalogGate(hamiltonian=X @ I)
Hyi = AnalogGate(hamiltonian=Y @ I)
Hxx = AnalogGate(hamiltonian=X @ X)
Hmix = AnalogGate(hamiltonian=-1 * (I @ X))
Hmxi = AnalogGate(hamiltonian=-1 * (X @ I))
Hmyi = AnalogGate(hamiltonian=-1 * (Y @ I))
Now, we apply these Hamiltonians sequentially on the two qubits to prepare the entangled state and measure the whole system.
circuit = AnalogCircuit()
# Hadamard
circuit.evolve(duration=(3 * np.pi) / 2, gate=Hii)
circuit.evolve(duration=np.pi / 2, gate=Hxi)
circuit.evolve(duration=np.pi / 4, gate=Hmyi)
circuit.evolve(duration=np.pi / 4, gate=Hyi)
circuit.evolve(duration=np.pi / 4, gate=Hxx)
circuit.evolve(duration=np.pi / 4, gate=Hmix)
circuit.evolve(duration=np.pi / 4, gate=Hmxi)
circuit.evolve(duration=np.pi / 4, gate=Hmyi)
circuit.evolve(duration=np.pi / 4, gate=Hii)
Finally, we can emulate the circuit evolution using a classical emulation and track the $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ expectation values.
args = TaskArgsAnalog(
"Z_0": Expectation(operator=(Z @ I)),
"Z_1": Expectation(operator=(I @ Z)),
task = Task(program=circuit, args=args)
backend = QutipBackend()
results =
Finally, we visualize and plot the results for the circuit evolution and the resultant state.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=[6, 3])
colors = sns.color_palette(palette="crest", n_colors=4)
for k, (name, metric) in enumerate(results.metrics.items()):
ax.plot(results.times, metric, label=f"$\\langle {name} \\rangle$", color=colors[k])
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x11dc1b230>
fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 1, sharex=True, figsize=[5, 9])
state = np.array([basis.real + 1j * basis.imag for basis in results.state])
bases = ["".join(bits) for bits in itertools.product("01", repeat=n)]
counts = {basis: results.counts.get(basis, 0) for basis in bases}
ax = axs[0], height=np.abs(state) ** 2, color=colors[0])
ax = axs[1], height=list(counts.values()), color=colors[1])
ax = axs[2], height=state.real, color=colors[2])
ax.set(ylabel="Amplitude (real)")
ax = axs[3], height=state.imag, color=colors[3])
ax.set(xlabel="Basis state", ylabel="Amplitude (imag)", ylim=[-np.pi, np.pi])
[Text(0.5, 0, 'Basis state'), Text(0, 0.5, 'Amplitude (imag)'), (-3.141592653589793, 3.141592653589793)]