Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA)Ā¶
The Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) is a variational algorithm designed to solve combinatorial optimization problems using quantum circuits. QAOA leverages alternating Hamiltonian evolutions to approximate the ground state of a given problem, where low energy states correspond to good solutions for the optimization task.
In QAOA, two types of Hamiltonians are alternately applied:
- Problem Hamiltonian, $ H_z $: Encodes the problem's constraints and objective. Here, $ H_z = I \otimes Z + Z \otimes I $, which introduces interactions that depend on the (Z)-basis states of the qubits.
- Mixer Hamiltonian, $ H_{xx} $: Creates transitions between basis states to explore the solution space. $ H_{xx} = X \otimes X $, which flips pairs of qubits, helping the system escape local minima.
These Hamiltonians are implemented as AnalogGate
objects, which are applied sequentially to evolve the quantum state. The circuit starts with an initial state and alternates between $ H_z $ and $ H_{xx} $ gates for a series of steps, with random durations to represent the parameters. After a chosen number of steps, the qubits are measured, which ideally yields an approximate solution to the optimization problem.
In this example, we set up a two-qubit system and use the AnalogCircuit
class to evolve the state under $ H_z $ and $ H_{xx} $ ten times. The measure()
method at the end captures the resulting state, which corresponds to a candidate solution.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import itertools
import warnings
from oqd_core.interface.analog.operator import *
from oqd_core.interface.analog.operation import *
from oqd_core.backend.metric import *
from oqd_core.backend.task import Task, TaskArgsAnalog
from oqd_analog_emulator.qutip_backend import QutipBackend
X, Y, Z, I = PauliX(), PauliY(), PauliZ(), PauliI()
Hxx = X @ X
Hz = I @ Z + Z @ I
Gxx = AnalogGate(hamiltonian=Hxx)
Gz = AnalogGate(hamiltonian=Hz)
n = 2 # number of qubits
circuit = AnalogCircuit()
for _ in range(10):
circuit.evolve(gate=Gz, duration=np.random.rand())
circuit.evolve(gate=Gxx, duration=np.random.rand())
args = TaskArgsAnalog(
"Z": Expectation(operator=((I @ Z + Z @ I) * -0.5)),
"XX": Expectation(operator=(X @ X) * -1),
task = Task(program=circuit, args=args)
backend = QutipBackend()
results =
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=[6, 3])
colors = sns.color_palette(palette="crest", n_colors=4)
for k, (name, metric) in enumerate(results.metrics.items()):
ax.plot(results.times, metric, label=f"$\\langle {name} \\rangle$", color=colors[k])
fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 1, sharex=True, figsize=[5, 9])
state = np.array([basis.real + 1j * basis.imag for basis in results.state])
bases = ["".join(bits) for bits in itertools.product("01", repeat=n)]
counts = {basis: results.counts.get(basis, 0) for basis in bases}
ax = axs[0], height=np.abs(state) ** 2, color=colors[0])
ax = axs[1], height=list(counts.values()), color=colors[1])
ax = axs[2], height=state.real, color=colors[2])
ax.set(ylabel="Amplitude (real)")
ax = axs[3], height=state.imag, color=colors[3])
ax.set(xlabel="Basis state", ylabel="Amplitude (imag)", ylim=[-np.pi, np.pi]);