Ising model
Transverse Field Ising Model (TFIM)Ā¶
The Transverse Field Ising Model (TFIM) is a foundational model in quantum mechanics, especially useful for studying phase transitions and quantum magnetism. It consists of qubits arranged in a line, with each qubit influenced by a transverse magnetic field and interacting with its neighbors. This combination of field and interaction terms creates a rich ground state structure and enables exploration of quantum phenomena such as entanglement and coherence.
In this example, the Hamiltonian for the TFIM on $ n = 6 $ qubits includes two main terms:
Field Term: Each qubit is influenced by a transverse field along the $ Z $-axis, represented by:
$$ H_{\text{field}} = \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} Z_j $$
Here, each $ Z_j $ acts only on qubit $ j $, while identity matrices $ I $ act on the remaining qubits.
Interaction Term: Each qubit interacts with its nearest neighbor in the $ X $-basis, defined as:
$$ H_{\text{interaction}} = \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} X_j X_{(j+1) \ \text{mod} \ n} $$
This term creates interactions between each qubit $ j $ and its neighbor $(j+1) \ \text{mod} \ n$, introducing correlations in the system.
The total Hamiltonian for the TFIM is:
$$ H = H_{\text{field}} + H_{\text{interaction}} $$
This is implemented as an AnalogGate
object, which the circuit evolves under for a duration of 1 unit. By measuring the qubits after this evolution, we obtain information about the systemās ground state, which encodes properties of the transverse field and interaction effects in the Ising model.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import functools
import itertools
import operator
import warnings
from oqd_core.interface.analog.operator import *
from oqd_core.interface.analog.operation import *
from oqd_core.backend.metric import *
from oqd_core.backend.task import Task, TaskArgsAnalog
from oqd_analog_emulator.qutip_backend import QutipBackend
def sum(args):
return functools.reduce(operator.add, args)
def prod(args):
return functools.reduce(operator.mul, args)
def tensor(args):
return functools.reduce(operator.matmul, args)
X = PauliX()
Y = PauliY()
Z = PauliZ()
I = PauliI()
n = 6
field = sum([tensor([X if i == j else I for i in range(n)]) for j in range(n)])
interaction = sum(
[tensor([Z if j in (i, (i + 1) % n) else I for j in range(n)]) for i in range(n)]
hamiltonian = AnalogGate(hamiltonian=field + interaction)
circuit = AnalogCircuit()
circuit.evolve(duration=1, gate=hamiltonian)
# define task args
args = TaskArgsAnalog(
f"Z_{i}": Expectation(operator=tensor([Z if j == i else I for j in range(n)]))
for i in range(n)
task = Task(program=circuit, args=args)
backend = QutipBackend()
results =
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=[6, 3])
colors = sns.color_palette(palette="crest", n_colors=max([4, n]))
for k, (name, metric) in enumerate(results.metrics.items()):
ax.plot(results.times, metric, label=f"$\\langle {name} \\rangle$", color=colors[k])
ax.set(xlabel="Time", ylabel="Expectation value");
fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 1, sharex=True, figsize=[5, 9])
state = np.array([basis.real + 1j * basis.imag for basis in results.state])
bases = ["".join(bits) for bits in itertools.product("01", repeat=n)]
counts = {basis: results.counts.get(basis, 0) for basis in bases}
ax = axs[0], height=np.abs(state) ** 2, color=colors[0])
ax = axs[1], height=list(counts.values()), color=colors[1])
ax = axs[2], height=state.real, color=colors[2])
ax.set(ylabel="Amplitude (real)")
ax = axs[3], height=state.imag, color=colors[3])
ax.set_xticks([bases[0], bases[-1]])
ax.set(xlabel="Basis state", ylabel="Amplitude (imag)", ylim=[-np.pi, np.pi]);